Hi, my name is Nadagani Amulya Prasanth
I'm a Data Scienist

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Highly motivated and detail-oriented student with a strong foundation in machine learning and web development. Proven track record of delivering high-quality projects on time and exceeding expectations. Skilled in Python, Java, Tensor- Flow, PyTorch, Node, React, and Flask. Seeking an entry- level position to apply my expertise and passion for technol- ogy in a collaborative and dynamic environment.

I like listening to music, reading books, and coding for fun.

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CarValueML: An AI-Driven Car Price Prediction App

Designed and implemented a machine learning model to predict car prices using and deployed it to HuggingFace spaces. For this project i have used Linear Regression model.

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Telugu News Article classification

Implemented a Neural network to classify telugu news articles into topics like nation, business, etc. with an accuracy of 96%. In this implemention, I created different models using TensorFlow framwork, compare their metrics and selected the best performing model.

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Salary Prediction Flask app

Created a flask web application to predict the salary of Data Scientist. In this implementation, I created machine learning model and created a web application using Flask.

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